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Hi friends!
welcome to my world race blog! This is where you’ll probably get the most updates about what’s going on leading up to my race and on the field.
If you don’t know me personally, hi my names Mia! As I’m writing this I am currently a senior in high school. I’ve been praying asking God what life will look like for me after high school. After much time in prayer and considering all my options, I believe the Lord lead me to the world race! I will be going on route 3 which will be going to Guatemala, South Africa, Eswatini, and south east Asia.

For the last two years I have grown such a love for missions. God has worked so much in my life as well as others through the two short term mission trips I’ve been on. After my most recent one this year I felt certain that God is calling me to go on mission. not long after that I was introduced to the world race! A friend of mine, Sydney, went on the world race as well this last year and that’s how I was introduced to it.

I am beyond excited and blessed for the mission God has laid out in front of me. I am incredibly expectant of what He’s going to do in the lives of others in myself. I hope you’ll join me in praying over the next year throughout the preparation process for this as well as through the 9 months I’ll be on the mission field. God bless you and can’t wait to update you more!!