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Hey friends! Thought I would come on here and write an update since it’s been almost three months since I last posted.

There have been so many “little things” that have happened but it’s just so evident looking back how present God was in those moments, so I thought I would share!

Since I committed to the world race, the Lord has put so many people in my path. I’ve met so many sweet people that recently came back from long term missions and are people I’ve looked up to. Probably a month or two ago, Allie, who is now a dear friend of mine, reached out asking to meet up for coffee to talk about missions. Allie and I had never spoken before, but we went to the same church. The Lord had put me on her heart and she’s someone I always wanted to be friends with, but never really had the courage to talk to. But I am so incredibly grateful for the Lord putting her in my life! She’s gotten me connected to a small group after I hadn’t been in one for a while so I’m starting to gain the community I’ve been praying for. We’re also now gym buddies which is so fun. She is truly such a light in my life and encourages me always. If you’re reading this AZ, I love you and am so grateful for you!

The Lord also placed coco and Sydney in my path. Coco came into my old work a few months back. I knew her from Instagram but had never talked to her before. As soon as she saw me the first thing she said was “I know you!” and immediately we talked for like twenty minutes. This was right after I had signed up for the world race. It was so crazy to me how excited this girl was for me because we barely knew each other. She also encouraged me to reach out to Sydney, who is how I found out about the race. I later on was able to meet up with Sydney and talk to her about the race. It was so encouraging that The Lord was able to use her to put my mind as ease with all of the world race related things I was worried about.

Those are just a few of the many people the Lord has placed in my life the past few months. I am so grateful for everything He has done and continues to do.

I wanted to share something I believe the Lord has been teaching me the last few days. I recently had surgery and have been in recovery. After the first few days I had become really impatient and was upset that I wasn’t healing as fast as I wanted to. Not long after, The Lord put it on my heart to read Philippians 4. I honestly hadn’t read my bible in a few days, but I read Philippians 4 and immediately was convicted. Most people focus on the very popular verse Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” I love that verse just as much as the next person. But it’s important to note that Paul is reminding us to be content in any circumstance and that to be content is to have self-sufficiency in the Lord.

Our circumstances do not change what God can do!

If you made it this far, thank you for reading. I am so excited to share more updates in the near future. Please be praying for my future team that is slowly being built and for the mission that lies ahead. Have a blessed day/night. Jesus loves you so much.